Kelvin Kiptum, a Kenyan marathon world-record holder, and his Rwandan coach Gervais Hakizimana were killed in a car crash in Kenya, shattering his family's dreams and future hopes.

Kelvin Kiptum and his coach Gervais Hakizimana tragically died in a car accident near Kaptagat, western Kenya. Kiptum, aged 24, was renowned for his recently broken marathon world record at the Chicago Marathon and was anticipated to achieve greater heights in road running. Kiptum's death has left his family devastated, with his father revealing that Kiptum had promised to provide for their future, including Kiptum's recent vow to build his father a house and buy him a car. Kiptum's determination and passion for running were evident as he had prioritized his athletic career over furthering his education in electrical engineering, a decision that was supported by his family who saw his potential in sports.